Friday, May 29, 2009


I am enjoying the freedom post-school. I was able to go camping without the worry of not having access to the computer. I felt untethered and was able to enjoy my family, boating, and reading a book I didn't have to read for class. I am currently reading "The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher" by Kate Summerscale. It is a very interesting read. The next book I am anxious to read is "A Lion Called Christian." I have such a long list, I hope that I will be able to get to my crafting soon. All this and the Pens are in the finals! WooHoo!!!! I can't believe that I am finally able to do all of this. Life is good.


  1. Ahhh...the sweet relief of being out of school! There's nothing like it!

  2. Hear hear. Every time I even think about getting another degree, I see somebody's post about school stress and it saves me. ;)

    Glad things are going so well, and you're finding time to fit it all in!
